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Affirmation, from unremitting efforts and pursuit

HS-317 Polyhydric alcohol phosphate ester (PAPE)

Product name HS-317 Polyhydric alcohol phosphate ester (PAPE)
Alias PAE
Structural Formula
Properties & Use It is a new-type water-treatment chemical with excellent scale and corrosion inhibiting property.
It is used as scale inhibitor for oilfield flooding and industry cooling water.
Item Details
Appearance colorless or yellow transparent liquid
Solid content %       ≥ 50
Total phosphorus content(PO43-),% ≥ 30
Organic phosphorus content(PO43-),% ≥ 15
pH-value (1% aqueous solution) 2.0 - 3.0
Packing & Storage In plastic drum, 25kg or 200kg/drum. Stored in cool and dry place, Shelf life is 12 months.
Safety Protection Avoid contact with skin and eyes; wash with plenty of water.


Add: Hengshanqiao Industrial North District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu

Contact: Yu Shaojun +86-13815052230
Fax: +86-519-88608519

E-mail: fred.yu@newfuturechem.com

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